How To Deal With A Roofing Insurance Claim
The most readily available information about roofing is how to install it, increase its longevity, or how to repair it. But what process do you follow on the administrative side when something goes wrong? We don’t think about this until it’s too late, but it is important to know how roofing insurance claims are handled and what should you do. This…
The Lifespan Of Different Types Of Roofs
Roofs are part of all of our lives, but most of us don’t think about them that often. They perform important functions though; perhaps we should give them more thought. For example, you may need to install a new roof or repair an existing one. You may be in the process of buying a new house. Have you given any consideration…
The Black And White Of Cool Roofing
As the world and technology changes, we find ourselves re-evaluating things that we’ve been comfortable with for a long time. Take our roofs for example, for a long time most of us have just accepted that they are there to keep us dry and sheltered from the wind and sun. The truth is that the roofing industry has improved greatly over…