New Clamp Technology Expands Wind Resistance for Metal Roofing

Roofing Tips

metal roofing

Metal roofing has become increasingly popular over the years. They are durable, affordable, and are available in a variety of colors. Unfortunately, another thing that has been increasing is strong winds!

This increases the chances that your home’s metal roof will experience localized or total failure. The wind will tear it from its mountings, leaving your family and home exposed. But there is a way to prevent this.

New clamp technology expands wind resistance for metal roofing. The new WindClamp2X can save your metal roof and ABC Roofing would like to tell you how.

What Are Metal Roof Clamps?

Metal roof clamps, also known as external seam clamps, are made from aluminum. At regular intervals, these clamps are placed over metal roof seams. They help prevent not only male-to-female seam separation but also the seam separation from the roof’s mounting clips.

This highly cost-effective technology helps to preserve rooftops, specifically in regions that experience extreme winds. The installation of metal roof clamps has shown to increase a roof’s wind resistance dramatically.

Over the years, metal roof clamps have proven themselves cost-effective and reliable. But wait, there’s more!

New Clamp Technology Benefits

The WindClamp2X is designed to increase wind resistance in metal roofing. This new clamp design is not only out to benefit newly built homes, but the pre-existing ones as well!

Pre-existing Home

Every so often, roofing codes and standards are changed and upgraded. This means that a building or home constructed years ago may no longer be in compliance with current codes, insurance requirements, or general building safety.

At this point, you’re probably seeing dollar signs thinking about roofing adjustments or even replacements. But you don’t have to! The WindClamp2X can be used to bring older roofs into compliance with the current code and wind standards. They can also be installed without having to kick you out of your home like a roof replacement might.

Newly Built Home

The new metal roof clamps have amazing benefits for older buildings, and arguably even better ones for new constructions.

When a part of the initial design, the new WindClamp2X can dramatically lower the cost of building materials. It can also increase the roof’s failure pressures by as much as 300%. The degree depends on the roof’s panel profiles, gauge, and purlin spacing. While this may sound too good to be true, there are test protocols to prove it.

Other Benefits

Some of the other advantages of installing this new clamp technology are:

Keeps Warranty Intact

Installing the WindClamp2X doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your roof’s warranty. The WindClamp2X preserves your roof’s warranty by being non-penetrating. It causes no roof damage during installation.

Preserves Thermal Cycling Integrity

Installing the new clamp technology doesn’t affect your roof’s thermal cycling.

Roofing materials expand when it’s hot and contract when it’s cold. Thermal cycling refers to the way that your roofing materials respond to different temperatures. When designing your roof, the contractors would have paid close attention to the material’s thermal response. They would also have modified it to suit your needs or found a way to compensate for the response.

Metal Roofing with ABC Roofing Corp.

Your roofing system is arguably one of the most important aspects of your home. Not only does it keep your family safe from the elements, but it helps to transform a building into a home.

Metal roofing has a lot of benefits. If you’re worried about wind damage, don’t be. Installing the new clamp technology can take care of that for you. This way you can have the roof that you want, with increased wind resistance.

Call ABC Roofing today at 954-344-4622 for all your roofing needs. Additionally, follow ABC Roofing on Facebook for the latest roofing news and information!

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